
Clap-Out – Let’s Hear it for Lilibet (and for you)!

The time has come for our final Clap Out and final post. Who else would we feature but the reason for this blog, and the person it is named after? Please leave us with your favorite photos of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, in the comments.

This final clap out is also for all Baguettes and Hofdudes! Take a bow. You were the best comment section on the internet, and I am quite teary thinking that this is our final conversation. Send us a note at if you want to join the What’s App group.

A deep curtsy from us to you!
The Hofdames of the Handbag, Suds (The Handbag), OC, LiL, and LuckeyGirl!

Betty in All Colors

Please salute our Hofdame Lil for giving us all the colors of Betty that have appeared in our headers throughout the seasons!
