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Royal Rooms

One of the few benefits of the present sequestering is that we get to see much more of the personal working spces of royals. Voyeur that I am, I love this. I know a few of you do, too, if the “guess the photo on the table” game we play whenever we post a photo of HerMaj at an audience is any indication. It’s also interesting to see how difference cultures and different tastes play out in royal decor.

Here’s a sampling of the interior of a few royal studies. You lucked out in that I did not include a photo of me in sweats at my Ikea desk. We’ll stick to the more glamorous people.


I wonder, if like many of us, if Philippe is camped out temporarily at the dining room table?

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⁣ ⁣ Skypegesprek met Prof. Marc Van Ranst en het team van het Rega Instituut voor Medisch Onderzoek. Het Rega Instituut is een voortrekker in de strijd tegen infectieziekten.⁣ —————⁣ Conversation par skype avec le Prof. Marc Van Ranst et son équipe de l’Institut de Recherche Médicale Rega. Cet institut est à l’avant-garde de la lutte contre les maladies virales.⁣ —————⁣ Skype conversation with Prof. dr. Marc Van Ranst and his team of the Rega Institute for Medical Research. The Rega Institute is a pioneer in the fight against infectious diseases.⁣ ⁣ #marcvanranst @kuleuven #SamenTegenCorona #EnsembleContreCorona #GemeinsamGegenCorona #TogetherAgainstCorona #Corona #Covid_19 #COVID19 #COVID19BE #CoronaVirus #MonarchieBe #BelgianRoyalPalace

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The Queen holds her first ever audience with Prime Minister Boris Johnson from her study at Windsor. Not too many family photos in view, but I am intrigued by the many porcelain animal sculptures on disply.

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William and Kate are at work,too, in what looks like Kensington Palace offices. I am speculating that it’s not Anmer since they are wearing the clothes they wore for their last appearance in London. Bonus points for guessing the books on Kate’s desk.

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Self-isolation and social distancing can pose huge challenges to our mental health — in recent weeks The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been in regular contact with organisations and patronages to understand the issues they are facing during this difficult time. Last week ☎️ The Duke spoke to @mindcharity CEO Paul Farmer, and The Duchess spoke to Catherine Roche, CEO of @_place2be. Today Public Health England has published new guidance to help support people during the COVID-19 outbreak, and updated its world-leading Every Mind Matters platform, with specific advice on maintaining good mental wellbeing during the outbreak; take a look at our Story or visit the link in our bio 📱 to find out more. Speaking about the new guidance, The Duke and Duchess said: • “It is great to see the mental health sector working together with the NHS to help people keep on top of their mental well-being. • By pulling together and taking simple steps each day, we can all be better prepared for the times ahead”. • The Government has also announced a grant for @MindCharity to help fund their services for people struggling with their mental wellbeing during this time.

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Fred at work in his spacious office with the bonkers wallpaper. The entire family did a PSA in the yard, too.

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Jeg har i dag gennem FaceTime været på besøg hos Røde Kors, der har etableret et væsentligt beredskab for at hjælpe danskere, der er berørt af corona. Enten fordi de har spørgsmål eller har brug for hjælp til at handle, hente pakker eller medicin på apoteket. Jeg har mødt de frivillige, der i et callcenter besvarer og hjælper folk, der har spørgsmål om corona. Jeg har også mødt frivillige, der i et hjælpecenter sørger for at få matchet folk, der gerne vil hjælpe andre, der har brug for hjælp. Som dansker er jeg stolt over det store samfundssind, der udvises for tiden. Over 11.500 har meldt sig som frivillige hos Røde Kors. Så hvis man har brug for hjælp og ikke selv kan komme ud, er der hjælp at hente. Røde Kors hjælper, så vi fortsat kan passe på hinanden ved at blive hjemme, men uden at miste kontakten til hinanden. Det er også grunden til, at jeg i dag ikke har besøgt Røde Kors fysisk, men digitalt. #sammenhverforsig 📸 Fotos af H.K.H. Prins Christian og Jacob Dall, Røde Kors©️

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I am so intrigued by the hand sculpture in the background.

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“Jeg har en appel til alle: Corona-virus er en farlig gæst. Den spreder sig som ringe i vandet, og det går stærkt. Én person kan smitte mange – endda uden selv at føle sig syg, og smitten går videre rundt til endnu flere, en lang og skræmmende kæde. I den kæde vil mennesker dø. Et barn kan miste sin bedstemor, en datter sin far, en hustru sin mand. Venner vil pludselig ikke være der mere. Det er den kæde, vi skal bryde, og som vi kan bryde. Det kan kun ske, når vi alle tænker os om og gør det samme på samme tid – og i rette tid. Myndighedernes råd er egentlig ret enkle: Vask hænder. Hold afstand. Undgå fysisk kontakt. Bliv hjemme.” Læs hele Hendes Majestæt Dronningens tale til befolkningen på Kongehusets hjemmeside. 📸 Kim Refslund, DR ©

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The Netherlands

If you take even a cursory tour through Getty, you’ll see that WAX has been energized by this virus, and has been everywhere (six feet from everyone). He is great at this kinging business. It’s almost a shame to show him sitting, but this is a royal room post, so here we are. Who is in that photo behind him?

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My favorite interiors are in this country. We featured Haakon yesterday in his office, but I think he likes to move around the palace. It looks like he is in the living room here, but correct me if you think I am wrong. He keeps up the sartorial standards, anyway. It’s also a good time to peek back at Harald in the best office ever.

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«Arbeidet dere på sykehusene gjør er utrolig viktig for oss alle sammen. Det er en fellesinnsats i helsesektoren nå som det står respekt av. På vegne av alle oss andre i samfunnet, så vil jeg si at vi setter veldig pris på den innsatsen dere gjør», sa Kronprins Haakon i et videomøte med ansatte ved Haukeland universitetssykehus i dag. Administrerende direktør Eivind Hansen ledet møtet fra Bergen. ⁣ ⁣ Tidligere i dag deltok Kronprinsen også i et videomøte med rundt 150 av de ansatte i Folkehelseinstituttet. Gruppen orienterte om status for norske smittetilfeller, tiltak og råd. «Med den kunnskapen som dere har, sammen med handlekraft, er jeg sikker på at vi kommer gjennom dette på den beste måten vi kan», sa Kronprinsen. ⁣ ⁣ Foto: Aleksander Valestrand, Anne Taule og Katrine Sunde / Haukeland universitetssykehus og Det kongelige hoff.⁣ ⁣ #kongehuset #kronprinshaakon #crownprincehaakon

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We focused on the people yesterday, but today we’ll pull back so you can take in the room. In particular, look at that great carpet. I hope Iselen can clue us in on which palace we are gazing upon.

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I hope one of our Swedish community members can identify which palace Victoria and Daniel are in here, because this is a great room for an audience. I am mentally moving everyone several feet apart in my mind, though. This was back a couple of weeks ago.

Ah, better. Victoria works in her office with some light and scrolly wallpaper behind.

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Såväl privat, offentlig som ideell sektor påverkas av coronakrisen. Runtom i Sverige arbetar människor dag och natt för att vårda sjuka och minska smittspridningen. Många känner oro för framtiden, blandat med oro för nära och kära. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Under förra veckan började Kronprinsessan och Prins Daniel att ringa runt till ett stort antal svenska organisationer och företag för att informera sig om läget. Under telefon- och videosamtalen, som fortsatte under gårdagen, framför Kronprinsessparet samtidigt sina hälsningar till alla de medarbetare och medlemmar som berörs av coronakrisen – och som bidrar med viktiga insatser för att mildra dess effekter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸: Victor Ericsson/Kungl. Hovstaterna

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Carl Gustaf and Silvia are isolating as well. Do you think the white horse placed against the dark painting was deliberate?

Carl and Sofia have lovely light-filled workspaces, too.

How would you sequester like a royal?